Atkins Books |
Dr. Atkins has spent his life searching
for ways to extend and improve life. I wish I had learned what he has to offer when
I was much younger -- my life would have been very different. I have one of his
books which was printed the year after I was born. Atkins backs what he has said for
30 years with 100% science, yet he is a popular target for critics. He is one of my
heroes -- for longer than I have lived, he has stood his ground against an industry
focused on destroying him and been consistently proven right. If
you want a book, click on it and order it from Amazon. I get a small referral fee.
The best all-around
anti-aging, brain-enhancing book I've ever seen or read. This book was published
four years into my quest to learn more. When I read it, I found it contained almost
everything I had gleaned from reading a dozen other books and scouring the web. THE
most all-encompassing health book out there. If you only read one book, read this
one. It is literally an instruction manual for the human body. |
The second best
of the Atkins books. It explains the diet that changed my life by giving me
more energy and mental focus than I had ever had. Basically, by controlling your
insulin levels, you lose weight and add years to your life. To do that, you avoid
sugar and carbohydrates. You'll get most of what's in this book if you read the
"Age Defying Diet" book above. |
Atkins first attempt
at writing a vitamin book. Very informative and accurate, but most of this can be
found in the Age-Defying Diet book above. |
A book which will
help you learn where carbohydrates hide and how to avoid them. |
A low-carbo cookbook.
I'm not too fond of these recipes because I don't like the sweetener Atkins
recommends. Still, it's a good place to start. |
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