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Professional Bio

I'm pragmatic about volunteering.  I don't do it for other people's good - their good is their own responsibility.  I volunteer because I like to do it and because I want the world to be a better place.

I'm the volunteer CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the Boy's and Girl's Club of the Peninsula.  The BGCP has 3 locations in Silicon Valley.  Each location is a place for lower-income children to come after school to continue learning.  I help the BGCP make technology investment decisions to make sure each dollar they spend on technology provides the most benefit for the children.  With nearly two hundred PCs across three locations, I find my background in systems management and IT operations to be useful.

Finally, I've established a foundation to fund research into the causes of aging and to eradicate autism.  I hope to be able to one day devote myself full time to this foundation, but I'm not there yet.

copyright 2003 Dave Asprey